- 1. total number of lord Mahavirs gandhar
- 3. total number of Punya's
- 5. lanchan of Lord Sambhavnath ji
- 6. eating non veg leads to this gati
- 7. Lanchan of Lord Vimalnath ji
- 9. offering gochri to sadhu bhagwant is which punya
- 10. doing fast leads to this gati
- 12. arihant bhagwan has destoyed how many karmas
- 13. liberation of soul from all Karmas
- 14. number of chatras on the lord
- 16. the tree under which lord sits in samvasaran
- 18. one who has destroyed all eight karmas
- 1. total number of Paap
- 2. trees plants belong to this category of Jeev
- 4. number of chamars waved on the lord in samvasaran
- 8. one of the pillars of charturvidh sangh
- 11. total number of Ashtamangals
- 12. heavenly beings shower this from above on the lord in samvasaran(answer in english)
- 15. the lord sits on ____ throne in samvasaran
- 17. fourth Swapna