Jake's Birthday

  1. 1. a city you are going to on your class trip
  2. 3. a vegetable you'll eat
  3. 6. favorite friday night dinner
  4. 7. marin county native american also in star wars
  5. 10. a flavor you like on chips
  6. 11. the town you live in
  7. 15. where your parents met
  8. 16. subject of a debate in school that you won
  9. 20. you played this at the last drum show
  10. 21. a city you want to move to
  11. 23. favorite sport
  12. 25. favorite cake with a layer of caramel
  1. 2. gramma and gumpy live here
  2. 4. we just went there for a family weekend
  3. 5. favorite streaming channel
  4. 8. you went here two years ago with our whole family
  5. 9. my other grandparents live here
  6. 12. my favorite instrument
  7. 13. one of your favorite classes
  8. 14. animal with a million hairs per inch
  9. 17. only predator for the great white shark
  10. 18. something you collect
  11. 19. funny cartoon cat
  12. 22. where you are going on your class trip
  13. 24. grade your in