Jane Thornton Series

  1. 3. First name of the director of the CDC.
  2. 4. Reanimated corpse.
  3. 7. Who fixed Jane and Annabelle’s fence?
  4. 9. The male doctor who performed tests on Jane.
  5. 11. The sport Mason played professionally
  6. 12. A large group of flesh eaters.
  7. 14. Author of the series.
  8. 17. Jane's last name.
  9. 18. Jane ran away from home at this age.
  10. 19. Title of the song Kaden sang outside the barn.
  11. 21. Speechless, like Jane.
  12. 22. Kissed Jane first.
  13. 25. Annabelle’s special skill.
  1. 1. Starved was set in what season?
  2. 2. The food Annabelle bartered archery lessons for.
  3. 5. How did Jane’s father die?
  4. 6. Mason’s uncle.
  5. 8. The dog’s full name.
  6. 9. What the CDC is looking for.
  7. 10. Name the mountains the books are set in.
  8. 13. Kaden’s rank in the US Army.
  9. 15. What kind of vehicle does Aidan drive?
  10. 16. Jane’s weapon of choice.
  11. 20. Saved Jane inside the convenience store.
  12. 23. The leader of the compound that Annabelle visits.
  13. 24. The location of Jane’s food stash.