January 2022

  1. 4. (Literary) Hoarfrost
  2. 7. Resembling or having the texture of leather
  3. 9. A space on either side of a large fireplace
  4. 12. Any structure having stages or steps
  5. 13. A whim
  6. 14. Traditionally used as a word for household linens (Shermin-Williams paint color)
  7. 17. Serving as a protector
  8. 19. (Literary) The sky or heaven
  9. 20. Make (something abstract) more concrete or real
  1. 1. wild; frenzied
  2. 2. Clearly established or beyond dispute
  3. 3. The end of a goal-oriented process
  4. 5. A host
  5. 6. Biblical flood
  6. 8. An image or representation of someone or something
  7. 10. An inexpensive souvenir
  8. 11. (In Spain or Spanish-speaking parts of the southwestern United States) a leisurely walk or stroll
  9. 15. The study of flags
  10. 16. Composure or coolness
  11. 18. nevertheless; however