Japan Adventure

  1. 2. What Bito sliced with a samurai sword
  2. 4. the simple way to say “thank you” in Japanese
  3. 5. The city where Mommy (and I think all of us) think we got the best sushi
  4. 6. if you’re hungry, look for this warm snack in a vending machine
  5. 9. The place where Bito got his face on steamed milk
  6. 10. the animal made of salt
  7. 13. the huge creature looming over our hotel in Japan’s capital city
  8. 14. how samurais relax and meditate
  9. 16. what Mommy bought practically whenever she saw them
  10. 18. where you can go and they’ll call Mommy a princess
  11. 20. The kind of store where they were 12 floors
  12. 22. where you can get snacks, notebooks, masks and more! (And even find a bathroom if you need it!)
  13. 24. where it was proven Mommy loves Bito more because of a lizard
  14. 26. yummy soup with noodles
  15. 27. what you won’t find in the streets
  16. 28. what we didn’t expect to see on the last day but did!
  17. 29. hot baths of Japan
  18. 30. traditional outfit for women that are sometimes RENTED for the day!
  1. 1. the robe we wear in hotels
  2. 3. the theme of the LEGO set Bito got
  3. 7. what you wear to keep floors clean
  4. 8. machines that dispense capsules with toys!
  5. 11. mommy’s favorite ice cream in Japan
  6. 12. the Kit Kat flavor Mommy was most excited about
  7. 15. Bito’s favorite kind of restaurant
  8. 17. Japanese rice wine
  9. 19. what Mommy likes about Japan
  10. 21. the place you stay and sleep on mats on the floor
  11. 23. where Bito climbed on colorful netting
  12. 25. the color of all those gates we climbed