Jasmin Clauson - Week 2 words

  1. 1. A shape that has 10 sides
  2. 5. A cold blooded animal
  3. 6. Warm or hot
  4. 9. The name for measuring the intensity of a sound starting with 'd'
  5. 10. A device that maintains a system at a constant temperature
  6. 11. To have an abnormally low body temperature
  7. 12. The 12th month
  8. 15. To have an abnormally high body temperature
  9. 16. A numeral system starting with the Letter 'D'
  10. 17. To speak out against something is to be ...
  1. 1. A unit of length equal to 1/10 (0.1) meter
  2. 2. A specified occupation, profession, or trade startcing with 'v'
  3. 3. A solid figure having ten faces
  4. 4. An athletic contest comprising ten different track-and-field events
  5. 7. To destroy a great proportion of something
  6. 8. The words used by a particular person is their...
  7. 10. A medical instrument used to take your temperature
  8. 13. A warm blooded animal
  9. 14. You use it to speak
  10. 16. 10 years