Java Crossword Puzzle
- 2. a shortcut to decrease a variable’s value by one ex. variable--
- 5. combines multiple values or expressions
- 9. string _____ is the process of using + between a string and another value to make a longer string.
- 11. stores a value into a variable
- 13. the first thing you do when using a variable
- 16. A set of instructions to be carried about by a computer
- 19. the basic unit of memory
- 20. There are 1000 bytes in 1 of these.
- 21. order in which operators are evaluated
- 23. The programs installed on a computer
- 24. 8*(9%5)/2-8
- 26. a method that is part of a class not just an instance of that class.
- 30. A high-level computer programming language being taught in CS209
- 31. for(_____; test; update){
- 34. a value or operation that computes a value
- 35. Public _____ void main(String[] args) {
- 37. This data type is 8 bytes and stores real numbers
- 38. System.out.print(815/0); would result in what type of error?
- 39. A sequence of characters to be printed
- 1. What does the P in CPU stand for?
- 3. What type of sequence is this? System.out.print(“Hi!\t Hello!”);
- 4. before a variable can be used in expressions, it first must be given this.
- 6. This data type is 4 bytes and stores real numbers
- 7. What data type would best suit the following: false
- 8. After you declare a method, you must do this in order to execute it.
- 10. This data type is 2 bytes and stores single characters
- 12. an object that can read input
- 14. a program that translates high-level language into low-level language
- 15. Data that the programmer/user receives from the program
- 17. What does the A in RAM stand for?
- 18. The basic structure and “grammar rules” of programming
- 22. The physical components of a computer
- 25. stores a value and takes up a piece of the computer’s memory.
- 27. a category of data values
- 28. What language only involves 0s and 1s?
- 29. Typing “//” before any line of code in a program would make it a…
- 31. Data that the programmer/user gives the program
- 32. a data type that stores whole integers and is 4 bytes.
- 33. organizes and stores classes and folders
- 36. 10%2