Javascript Coding Crossword

  1. 2. what are these: R, G, B?
  2. 6. the color of text unless you change it
  3. 7. a word that has its own code/function in it. All you have to do is type this kind of word, and it works!
  4. 10. this allows you to write a message
  5. 11. this controls the outline colors of your shapes
  6. 12. a code that allows for you to make a conditional statement
  7. 15. this creates a circle
  8. 16. this controls/changes the thickness of your lines
  9. 19. the shape that needs x1 y1, x2 y2, x3 y3
  10. 20. this code can set the color of your background
  1. 1. this allows you to control where your drawing is moving by using your mouse side-to-side
  2. 3. this code draws a line
  3. 4. this changes the size of your text
  4. 5. this allows you to control where your drawing is moving by using your mouse up and down
  5. 8. turns off the fill for shapes
  6. 9. this creates a variable
  7. 13. this creates a rectangle
  8. 14. this changes the color in your shapes
  9. 17. the third parameter in an ellipse function
  10. 18. the fourth parameter in an ellipse function