
  1. 1. A Half Goat Half Man
  2. 3. What’s A Really Big Person Called?
  3. 7. What Was In The Wardrobe?
  4. 8. A Maned Mammal.
  5. 10. What Is the Fauns Name?
  6. 12. A Half House Half Man
  7. 13. A Time after winter
  8. 15. What Creatures Are The Secret Police?
  9. 16. The Childrens Surname?
  10. 17. One Who Builds Dams
  11. 20. Who Betrayed Aslan?
  12. 21. What Weapon Does Susan Have?
  13. 22. Who Found Narnia?
  14. 24. Who’s the Author?
  15. 25. A Sharp Weapon Used In Battle?
  1. 2. A Fairy tale Horse with a Horn
  2. 4. Who Was Killed At the Stone Table?
  3. 5. To Pull A Rabbit From A Hat?
  4. 6. The Season of Narnia?
  5. 9. Man Wearing Red
  6. 10. Who Looks After The Children?
  7. 11. A Wild Dog.
  8. 14. Number of Narnia Books?
  9. 15. Who Represents Satan?
  10. 18. It Stands In A Room Alone?
  11. 19. What’s A Half Lion Half Eagle?
  12. 23. A Small Person