JD Dolly & Jack Byrnes Crossword

  1. 5. This bone protects the organs of the upper body.
  2. 6. ________ take the blood away from the heart.
  3. 10. In the digestive system,this Organ absorbs the most nutrients.
  4. 13. The organ that respiratory system is starts with is the
  5. 16. The ________ ______ enables movement to the body.
  6. 18. _________ _____ pass through the lungs.
  7. 19. The Alveoli is in the _____.
  8. 20. A factor that causes sensory receptors to begin to function.
  1. 1. When 2 bones meet together it’s called a_____.
  2. 2. The ________ is part of the Digestive & Endocrine System.
  3. 3. This organ is also known as a nerve cell.
  4. 4. This organ keeps bones from not rubbing against each other.
  5. 7. This system eliminates Carbon Dioxide.
  6. 8. The muscular system generates______.
  7. 9. The Spinal cord is part of the _______ System.
  8. 11. The______ move blood towards the heart.
  9. 12. When you exercise your heart pumps more______.
  10. 14. The 3 main blood vessels in your circulatory are Veins, Arteries and_______.
  11. 15. Your________ ______ supports & protects the body.
  12. 17. This Organ Turns food into a liquid with acid.