JEMIMA's 14th Birthday (no spaces between words)

  1. 4. Indian stereotype music in word form (tin-)
  2. 6. Birthday girl's close friend who's not in her class but in the same school
  3. 7. Birthday girl's last name
  4. 10. Birthday girl's close friend who isn't in the school but used to be before middle school
  5. 11. Birthday girl's age October 10, 2024
  6. 14. The name of the role int he play that your husband took
  7. 17. Birthday girl's close friend who used to be in the school during 6th and 7th grade but left
  8. 18. Fastfood codes names for yk who
  9. 19. Birthday girl's first name
  10. 20. Birthday husband/lifetime lover (inside joke)
  1. 1. Sandwich code names for yk who
  2. 2. Instrument you play
  3. 3. The name of the role you got in a distinct play (historical figure)
  4. 5. Color of the marker that we were using when a certain someone said it looked like their p!$$
  5. 8. Joke made in our 6th grade ELAR class when Manahil was trying to figure out the name of the character in Snoopy
  6. 9. Birthday girl's close friend in her class who is young but not the youngest of MJALJR
  7. 12. Birthday girl's close friend in her class who is the youngest of MJALJR
  8. 13. The Blooket name of the birthday girl's husband
  9. 15. Birthday girl's celebrity crush
  10. 16. Nickname given to you by you that rhymes with "pajama"