Jensons movie crossword of doom
- 4. movie about Aliens who hunt people
- 6. Monkeys enslaving humans
- 7. Movie about king of the monsters
- 9. Movie about someone getting bitten by a spider
- 13. About exploring strange new worlds
- 14. Movie with maverick and goose
- 17. movie about Blue tribal aliens
- 18. movie about Xenomorphs against aliens who hunt
- 20. movie about Twelve districts and a mocking jay pin
- 22. Movie with Xenomorphs
- 23. movie about old arcade games destroy city's
- 1. Movie saga with Wookie's and Jedi's
- 2. Based on a man who likes cheese and his dog and a big rabbit
- 3. Lions and hyenas
- 5. Time travelling police box
- 8. musical About the French revolution
- 10. Batman vs the joker
- 11. Famous shark movie
- 12. About a big boat that sinks
- 15. military court case
- 16. Movie about two con artists
- 19. About Lara Croft based on a video game
- 21. Detective and Watson