Jesse & Mary's 50th Anniversary

  1. 3. Jesse's favorite color
  2. 6. _______ Cruise: Mary's dream trip in 2017
  3. 7. Jesse's major in college (shortened)
  4. 11. Jesse's hometown
  5. 13. Number of Jesse's Siblings
  6. 14. Mary's major in college
  7. 16. Mary's favorite movie
  8. 18. Mary's high school mascot
  9. 19. Jesse's favorite musical
  10. 20. Mary's birth city
  11. 22. Mary's favorite snack
  12. 23. Mary's favorite animal
  1. 1. Where they lived when Celina was in high school
  2. 2. Their current city of residence
  3. 4. Jesse's dream trip in 2019
  4. 5. Jesse's birth order number
  5. 8. Number of Mary's Siblings
  6. 9. Jesse's high school mascot
  7. 10. Their college mascot
  8. 11. Location where they met
  9. 12. Where they lived when Daniela was in high school
  10. 15. Jesse's favorite game
  11. 17. _______ Falls
  12. 21. Mary's birth order number