
  1. 3. showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement
  2. 4. ready and willing to forgive
  3. 5. giving or ready to give help
  4. 9. a person who believes in the truth or existence of something
  5. 10. feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event
  6. 13. a person who teaches, especially in a school
  7. 14. displaying kindness and concern for others
  8. 15. showing courage
  1. 1. a person who tells stories
  2. 2. a person or thing that mends or repairs something
  3. 6. John 21:5 10th word
  4. 7. compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone
  5. 8. a person who listens
  6. 11. a person who preaches, especially a minister of religion
  7. 12. feeling or showing love or great care
  8. 14. not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions