Jesus Controls Nature

  1. 1. to ask or beg someone
  2. 2. what we all need to have forgiven
  3. 4. can't move
  4. 6. when someone is speaking bad things about God
  5. 8. what the disciples didn't have during the storm
  6. 10. who was in the boat with Jesus
  7. 11. what the waves did when commanded to calm down
  8. 12. a group of animals
  9. 14. bad spirit beings
  10. 15. animals that Jews were not supposed to have any contact with
  1. 1. when demons live inside a person
  2. 3. how the two men behaved
  3. 5. power
  4. 7. what Jesus was doing during the storm
  5. 9. attitude of surprise and respect
  6. 13. something found in cemeteries