Jl Academy

  1. 3. Its a dance.
  2. 5. It just came out of her mouth.
  3. 7. Mr...
  4. 9. ...Park
  5. 10. Sometimes Megan tells me a crazy...
  6. 12. The symbol of Pokemon
  7. 13. Created the Avengers.
  8. 17. Shriya's brother
  9. 18. An evil game that kills people.
  10. 19. They spin a lot.
  11. 21. T.T.
  12. 22. Best holiday
  13. 23. Ethan's Sister
  14. 27. One night Ultimate...
  15. 29. Most of the kids are this.
  16. 30. Always have to answer this.
  17. 31. Every Friday
  18. 32. ...Birds Project
  19. 33. The reason why the kids are not at the academy.
  20. 37. These type of students stay
  21. 38. Conner's sister
  22. 39. Kids love these with me.
  1. 1. We watch these on the projector.
  2. 2. You guys can be very...
  3. 4. We come to JL for our...
  4. 6. The real name for Shoetarium Project
  5. 8. I have problems with this on the white board.
  6. 11. Jake Paul.
  7. 12. Vincent's Dog
  8. 14. A game that we normally play as full time.
  9. 15. ...Park
  10. 16. The kids have trouble with this.
  11. 20. Kids generally don't like this.
  12. 24. 7 UP
  13. 25. I like...
  14. 26. Introduced Nader Teacher to all of you.
  15. 28. "Be..."
  16. 32. ...Park
  17. 34. The greatest type of show to watch.
  18. 35. You can't say these words
  19. 36. Mrs...