Job and Jonah

  1. 2. The Lord sent a great ____ across the sea.
  2. 4. Job did not sin or ______ God.
  3. 6. / Jonah admitted to the ship's crew that the storm was caused by his ____________ with God.
  4. 9. Jonah was afraid of the ________.
  5. 11. Job's faith did not falter, and God was pleased by Job's __________ in suffering.
  6. 14. Satan claimed Job only loved God because he was ________.
  7. 15. After Job had lost all of his animals and his children, Satan went forth to destroy Job's _______.
  1. 1. A holy and wealthy man from the land of Uz.
  2. 2. The Lord sent a great fish to ________ Jonah.
  3. 3. Jonah tried to _____ from God's presence.
  4. 5. What killed Job's flock of sheep.
  5. 7. The Lord set his sights upon Job and brought great _________ upon him.
  6. 8. As soon as the crew tossed Jonah overboard, the sea became _____.
  7. 10. "Take me up and throw me into the ____."
  8. 12. The city that God told Jonah to go to.
  9. 13. The number of days Jonah was in the fish's belly.