
  1. 2. He fixes cars
  2. 4. She works in a school
  3. 5. He works in a ship
  4. 6. He flies aero planes
  5. 9. She cures sick people
  6. 11. She brings the letters
  7. 12. She takes care of sick people
  8. 13. He uses science and technology to solve problems
  9. 14. She cures animals
  10. 15. He fixes water pipes
  11. 16. He flies to other planets
  12. 17. She fixes teeth
  13. 19. She dances ballet
  14. 20. She paints pictures
  15. 22. He works with wild animals
  1. 1. He puts out fires
  2. 3. He plays in theaters
  3. 6. She takes pictures
  4. 7. He keeps a farm
  5. 8. He sells meat
  6. 10. She sings in a band
  7. 11. He catches thieves
  8. 18. He drives a taxi
  9. 21. He cooks special dishes