Jobs, Communication, Interviews and Famous People

  1. 3. always on-time or early, starts with "p"
  2. 6. ready to deal with something, starts with "p".
  3. 8. to tell someone something so that they know, to give someone information, starts with "i"
  4. 11. the words that form the language. Grammar and ____. (starts with "v")
  1. 1. failing to meet expectations, unsatisfactory (starts with "d", ends with "ing") E.g. I did not score well for the exam, it is very d____.
  2. 2. an idea or opinion formed of someone, i.e.first "___". Starts with "i"
  3. 4. a well-known person is a ___ person. Starts with "f"
  4. 5. to go from one place to another
  5. 7. someone you visit when you are sick (would give you medicine)
  6. 9. anxious and scared, starts with "n"
  7. 10. having a lot to do, no free time, ends with "y"