joey's safety crossword

  1. 3. never ____ around in the laboratory.
  2. 4. do not eat or drink while in the_____.
  3. 6. never return unused ______ to there original containers.
  4. 9. know the ____ and operating procedures of all safety equipment.
  5. 11. if you or your lab partner is ___ yell out code one.
  6. 15. preform only those experiments authorized by the ____.
  7. 17. be ____ for your work in the lab.
  8. 19. keep ___ clear.
  9. 20. keep ___ away from your face, eyes, mouth and body when using chemicals.
  1. 1. when first entering a science room do not ___ any equipment.
  2. 2. heated metals and glass wear stays ___ for a long time.
  3. 5. conduct yourself in a _____ manner at all times in the lab.
  4. 6. when using knives and shape objects _____ with the point down and away.
  5. 7. _____ of all chemical waste properly.
  6. 8. do not ___ hot glass wear in cold water.
  7. 10. never work ___ without in instructor present.
  8. 12. never use mouth ___ to fill a pipet.
  9. 13. lab aprons ______ be worn during lab activity's.
  10. 14. students are ___ permitted in the science storage rooms unless given permission by instructor.
  11. 16. ___ and equipment instructions must be read carefully before use.
  12. 18. if chemical splashes in your eye or on your skin immediately ___ with water.