
  1. 2. the last day you taught
  2. 3. the thing that kept us reading
  3. 6. Smelly boiled eggs
  4. 8. A way of rewarding a class for good behavior
  5. 10. The vocab word for Hans's sneezes
  6. 11. the project where you were able to learn about your students
  7. 12. The last class you taught
  8. 13. a rule or direction, often with some religious basis, dictating a way you should act or behave
  1. 1. what you told us to do after a Vocab test
  2. 4. The test that every teacher hates that happens once a year
  3. 5. the best 7th grade ELA teacher
  4. 7. The first book we read as a class
  5. 9. the body of words used in a particular language