John Muir-Rohit

  1. 1. Woods What famous park in California is named after him?
  2. 4. Roosevelt Which president did he work with related to Yosemite?
  3. 6. How many miles did he walk on one journey?
  4. 10. How many national parks did he help to preserve?
  5. 11. Was John Muir ever a farmer?
  1. 2. of Wisconsin What college did he attend?
  2. 3. Muir This man is on the California quarter.
  3. 5. How many daughters did he have?
  4. 7. Sierra Club Which organization did he help create?
  5. 8. Born in this country?
  6. 9. Died on what month.
  7. 12. In 1867 suffered injury to what body part?