The Prophet Jonah

  1. 4. He was supposed to go on his mission to this city of ______________.
  2. 7. God sent an enormous ______ to swallow Jonah up and save him from drowning.
  3. 9. Jonah told the sailors to throw him overboard so the storm would _________.
  4. 10. Jonah knew that the ________ sent the storm because Jonah had not gone to Nineveh like he was supposed to.
  5. 11. The Lord told Noah that people in Nineveh needed to ___________.
  1. 1. While in the belly of the fish, Jonah _______ and repented.
  2. 2. I knw that when I make a ________ choice I can repent because the Lord loves me.
  3. 3. God called _______ to go on a mission.
  4. 5. Jonah disobeyed the Lord and got on a different ship that was going to a different ______________.
  5. 6. Jonah went to Nineveh to fulfill his mission and the people of Nineveh actually ________ and followed God again.
  6. 8. A huge __________ came and the sailors were afraid that their ship would sink.
  7. 10. The fish spit Jonah out on dry _____ after 3 days.