Jonah and the whale

  1. 1. The number of days in which Nineveh would be overthrown
  2. 4. The type of blood they asked the Lord not to lay upon them.
  3. 7. What God did when he saw that the people turned from their evil way
  4. 9. How many days it took Jonah to get to Nineveh.
  5. 10. What the people of Nineveh proclaimed.
  6. 13. Of what people Jonah said he was.
  7. 14. What the mariners were.
  8. 15. What they cast to see who caused the evil.
  9. 18. Who Jonah was the son of.
  10. 20. What the ship was likely to be.
  11. 21. The number of days and nights Jonah was in the belly of the fish.
  12. 22. How long a journey was it to Nineveh.
  13. 23. ___________ is of the Lord.
  14. 24. What Jonah did when his soul fainted.
  15. 25. What the Lord sent that caused a mighty tempest in the sea.
  16. 26. What the Lord prepared to swallow up Jonah
  1. 2. What the sea ceased from doing after they cast Jonah into the sea.
  2. 3. What the men did hard to get to land.
  3. 5. The great city Jonah was to go to.
  4. 6. Where Jonah told them to cast him into.
  5. 8. Where Jonah went to get on a ship.
  6. 11. Where Jonah rose up to flee to.
  7. 12. The one who told Jonah to call upon his God.
  8. 16. What the people of Nineveh put on from the greatest to the least.
  9. 17. What they cast forth to lighten the ship.
  10. 19. What the fish did after the Lord spake unto it.
  11. 21. What the king rose up from.