  1. 1. Gen. 37:36 Now the Midianites sold him to_______ a court official of Pharaoh
  2. 4. Gen. 37: 18 Now they caught sight of him, and began plotting against him to put him to death.
  3. 5. Gen. 37:27 Come, now, let us _____ him to the Ishmaelites
  4. 6. Gen. 37: 10 father _______ him for the dream of family bowing down
  5. 7. Gen. 37:31 they took Joseph’s robe, slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in the _____
  6. 10. Gen. 37: 4 Brothers began to _____ him,.
  7. 11. Gen. 37: 7 Joseph’s brothers sheaves _____ _____ to his sheaf
  8. 12. Gen. 37: 29 Reuben returned and saw Joseph was not in the waterpit, he _______ his garments apart.
  9. 15. Gen. 37: 5 Joseph’s _____ gave his brothers further reason to hate him.
  10. 18. Gen. 37:9 Joseph had another dream, and the _____ the _____ and 11 _____ bowed down to him
  11. 20. Gen. 37:13, 15-17 Father sent Joseph to Shechem to check on brothers but they had gone to _______
  1. 2. Gen. 37: 25 When they looked up, there was a caravan of ________ coming from Gilead
  2. 3. Gen. 37:21 Reuben tried to _______ him from them.
  3. 7. Gen. 37:2 Joseph brought a ____ report about brothers
  4. 8. Gen. 37:24 and they took him and threw him into the _______.
  5. 9. Gen. 37:3 Israel_____ Joseph more than all other sons
  6. 13. Gen. 37:32, 33 Jacob examined robe, and exclaimed Joseph is surely torn to _____
  7. 14. Gen. 37: 11 brothers grew _______ of him, but his father kept saying in mind.
  8. 16. Gen. 37:34 Jacob _______ his son for many days.
  9. 17. Gen. 37:20 let us kill him and we will say that a vicious _______ ______ devoured him
  10. 19. Gen. 37:35 Jacob kept _______ to take comfort