Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samson, Samuel

  1. 3. Naomi's loyal daughter-in-law
  2. 4. what did Samuel's mother bring him each year
  3. 5. she would that God would bring to Israel a king whom he would bless and strengthen.
  4. 9. the theme of the Book of Ruth
  5. 10. adopted Joseph's two sons
  6. 13. Ruth's son
  7. 16. Ruth's sister-in-law
  8. 18. what the priests touched and the people were allowed to cross
  9. 19. which of Elkanah's wives had children first
  10. 23. Israel's cycles of sin contrast this from God
  11. 24. what the Israelites used after crossing the Jordan River to set up a memorial
  12. 26. the land of Canaan was divided among this
  13. 27. served as Israel's last judge
  14. 29. announced Samson's birth
  15. 31. Joshua told them to be careful to obey the Lord because he knew their weaknesses
  16. 32. temporary leaders raised up when the people called to God during misery
  17. 34. the people renewed this with the Lord and wrote this on a stone monument
  18. 36. the judges power was limited to this
  19. 37. Israel's priest and Samuel's caretaker; he had corrupt sons
  20. 38. a Philistine
  1. 1. the tribe of Israel's kings
  2. 2. hid spies, showing faith
  3. 6. Samuel was to do this to Israel's first king
  4. 7. the number of Jacob's sons
  5. 8. used by Samson to kill a thousand Philistines
  6. 10. his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, were among the 12 tribes of Israel
  7. 11. gave Ruth water to drink
  8. 12. where Samson's strength came from
  9. 14. to set apart; sacred
  10. 15. after his death, Joshua became the next leader of Israel
  11. 17. their job was to lead in worship and offer sacrifices to atone for sin
  12. 19. their job was to speak God's words to the people
  13. 20. set aside for special service to God
  14. 21. lived in the land of Israel and were instructed to be destroyed by God
  15. 22. pulled down the pillars of the Philistine temple
  16. 25. told the people of Israel to be strong and courageous
  17. 28. city that Naomi took Ruth to
  18. 30. this type of warfare is where God set the strategy
  19. 33. fought the Israelite's battles, as seen in the battle of Jericho
  20. 35. Ruth's mother-in-law
  21. 39. given the obligation of special service to the Lord