Journey 2050 Vocabulary Choice Board

  1. 1. weather
  2. 4. preparation of soil
  3. 9. interface between land and a river or stream
  4. 11. agricultural productivity or agricultural output
  5. 15. the art and science of cultivating the soil
  6. 16. skin of the earth
  7. 18. (BMPs)
  8. 21. gas
  9. 22. the farming of fish
  1. 2. basic physical and organisational structures
  2. 3. anything that constrains a population's size
  3. 5. conserves soil by reducing erosion
  4. 6. normally lives and thrives in a particular ecosystem
  5. 7. right source, right rate, right time, and right place
  6. 8. environment where an organism lives throughout the year
  7. 10. the actor process of emptying
  8. 12. land that drains water toward a common river
  9. 13. substance used by an organism to survive grow and reproduce
  10. 14. (Co-op)
  11. 17. lack of high-quality food
  12. 19. productive of desired effects
  13. 20. farming system