Joy plus Sylvain plus baby makes three

  1. 2. baby will eventually sleep there
  2. 4. what hospital will baby be born in
  3. 7. who will be most frazzled by baby's arrival?
  4. 8. what was Joy's main food in the first trimester?
  5. 9. baby's most likely zodiac sign
  6. 13. how many uncles will baby have?
  7. 15. which artist has baby listened to the most?
  8. 16. what day in March is baby due?
  9. 18. babies share they're upset by...
  1. 1. other than English what language will baby learn?
  2. 3. milk container
  3. 4. where will baby's first international visitors come from?
  4. 5. what do Joy and Sylvain call the baby?
  5. 6. what is Joy's middle name?
  6. 10. where does Joy work?
  7. 11. where does Sylvain teach?
  8. 12. what is Sylvain's middle name?
  9. 14. what colour is the baby room?
  10. 17. needs to be changed often