judge cross word

  1. 2. of the court,makes arrest and execute writes and processes them
  2. 4. certsin standards of poverty,qualifying a criminal defendant to a public one
  3. 5. decision made by jry read before court(criminal)
  4. 7. defendant not guilty
  5. 11. from lower court decisions
  6. 12. corbius/ requires a person to be brought before judge
  7. 13. jury/ group of citizens sworn to inquire into crimes and bring charges
  8. 14. of proof/ obligation to come to court with facts from case
  1. 1. jury/ group of citiznes sworn to hear testimony and determine facts of trail
  2. 3. proceeding by which a defendant submits to the justification of the court
  3. 6. an amount of money,appear at a specific time
  4. 8. owned by the person concerning loss of something or cause of injury
  5. 9. a final dterminaiton by court of the rights of the parties in an action(civil case)
  6. 10. cause/reasonable cause, having more evidence for than against,crime has been commited