Judges chapter 1

  1. 2. The third name of the three killed at Hebron (1:10)
  2. 6. "Judah and Simeon utterly destroyed the Canaanites who inhabited ________" (1:17)
  3. 8. "Judas went against the Canaanites who dwelt in _____." (1:10)
  4. 10. "The Amorites were determined to dwell in Mount ______ in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim."(1:35)
  5. 14. The city where the Jebusites inhabited. (1:21)
  6. 15. The city built by the man who showed the entrance of Bethel for the house of Judah (1:26)
  7. 16. The second name of the three killed at Hebron (1:10)
  8. 18. Whom did they find in Bezek? (1:5)(two words with a hyphen)
  9. 19. "Judah and his army drove out the ____________ but could not drive out the inhabitants of the lowland." (1:19)
  10. 22. The children of the _______, Moses’ father-in-law,... (1:16)
  11. 23. Othneil's father (1:13)
  12. 24. Ephraim did not drive out the Canaanites who lived in _______. (1:29)
  13. 25. "Caleb gave to his daughter the upper and lower ______" (1:15)
  14. 27. The man who showed the house of Joseph the entrance of the city went to the land of the _______ (1:26)
  15. 29. "Who shall be the first to go up for us against the _______?" (1:1)
  16. 33. Whom did the Lord deliver into the hands of Judah and Simeon?(1:4)
  17. 34. After whose death did the children of Israel ask the Lord?(1:1)
  18. 36. The former name of Debir (two words)(1:11)
  19. 38. Hebron's former name (two words)(1:10)
  20. 39. _______ did not drive out the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh or the inhabitants of Beth Anath. (1:33)
  21. 40. "The Canaanites lived in the mountains,_______ and the lowland".(1:9)
  1. 1. "Judah took Gaza, Ashkelon and _____ with their territories." (1:18)
  2. 3. What city did the children of Judah fight against and take it?
  3. 4. Whom did the house of Joseph go against? (1:22)
  4. 5. What did the Israel put the Canaanites under when they were strong? (1:28)
  5. 7. Caleb's younger brother (1:13)
  6. 9. "The children of Benjamin did not drive out the ____________ (1:21)
  7. 11. Where were the ten thousand men killed? (1:4)
  8. 12. From the city of ______ into the Wilderness of Judea (1:16)
  9. 13. _______ did not drive out the inhabitants of Kitron or the inhabitants of Nahalol." (1:30)
  10. 17. "Manasseh did not drive out the inhabitants of ____, Taanach, Dor, Ibleam, Megiddo and their villages." (two words 1:27)
  11. 18. "The territory of the Amorites was from the _______ of Akrabbim, from Sela, and upward." (1:36)
  12. 20. Judah's brother (1:3)
  13. 21. What did they give to Caleb as Moses had said? (1:20)
  14. 26. The first name of the three killed at Hebron (1:10)
  15. 28. What was the former name of Bethel? (1:23)
  16. 30. Caleb's daughter (1:12)
  17. 31. The wilderness of Judah lies in the South near ______ (1:16)
  18. 32. _______ did not drive out the inhabitants of Acco or the inhabitants of Sidon, or of Ahlab, Achzib, Helbah, Aphik, or Rehob.(1:31)
  19. 35. The name of Zepath after it was destroyed (1:17)
  20. 37. The ________ forced the children of Dan into the mountains. (1:34)