Judges Chapter 4

  1. 3. A prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth (4:4)
  2. 4. Barak called _____ and Naphtali together to Kedesh (4:10)
  3. 5. Where Deborah went with Barak (4:9)
  4. 7. king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor (4:2)
  5. 11. The commander of Jabin's army (4:2)
  6. 13. "Harosheth _______," where Sisera lived.(4:2)
  7. 14. Ramah and Bethel in the mountains of _______ (4:5)
  8. 16. River ______, where God said would deliver Sisera into the hands of Barak (4:7)
  9. 17. Mount ______, where Barak was told to "deploy his troops" (4:6)
  10. 18. 900 chariots of ______ (4:3)
  1. 1. ____,Moses’ brother-in-law (4:11)
  2. 2. Ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of _____ (4:6)
  3. 5. Barak was from ______ in Naphtali (4:6)
  4. 6. Barak the son of (4:6)
  5. 8. Sisera fled away to the tent of ____ the wife of Heber the Kenite. (4:17)
  6. 9. Heber "pitched his tent near the terebinth tree at ________" (4:11)
  7. 10. She sat under Deborah's palm tree between ____ and Bethe (4:5)
  8. 12. For how many years did Jabin oppress the Israelites?(4:3)
  9. 15. _____ the Kenite (4:11)