Judges Chapter 6

  1. 1. The enemies would "destroy the produce of the earth as far as ______." (6:4)
  2. 4. livestock and ______ (6:5)
  3. 7. The children of Israel made themselves dens, caves and _________ in the mountains. (6:2)
  4. 9. The angel called Gideon a mighty man of _______. (6:12)
  5. 11. Gideon thought his clan was the weakest in (the tribe of) _________. (6:15)
  6. 12. Gideon built an altar to the LORD, and called it “The LORD is ______.” (6:24)
  7. 14. For how many years were the Children of Israel in the hands of Midians? (6:1)
  8. 17. Gideon "sent a message throughout ________" and they gathered around him. (6:35)
  9. 18. The Midianites and Amalekites, the people of the East, encamped in the valley of _______ (6:33)
  10. 19. The ________ gathered behind Gideon when he blew the trumpet. (6:34)
  11. 21. How old was the second bull to be sacrificed? (6:25)
  12. 24. The name of the place where the tree under which the angel of the Lord sat (6:11)
  13. 27. The tree belonged to Joash the _______ (6:11)
  14. 29. What did Joash name Gideon because he had broken down the altar of Baal? (6:32)
  15. 31. _________ bread (One of the things Gideon prepared, 6:19)
  1. 2. The altar is in Ophrah of the ________ to this day. (6:24)
  2. 3. a _____full of water when Gideon wrung the dew(6:38)
  3. 5. "numerous as _________ (6:5)
  4. 6. Where Gideon threshed wheat to hide from the Midianites (6:11)
  5. 8. The son of Joash (6:11)
  6. 10. The Midianites, the _________, and the children of the east came up against the children of Israel. (6:3)
  7. 13. The angel of the Lord sat under _____ tree (6:11)
  8. 15. _____ in a pot (6:19)
  9. 16. How many of his servants did Gideon take with him to build an altar for God. (6:27)
  10. 17. _____ in a basket (6:19)
  11. 20. Gideon was told to tear down the altar of _____ which his father had. (6:25)
  12. 22. an _____ of flour (what Gideon used to prepare the bread, 6:19)
  13. 23. a young _____ (One of the things Gideon prepared, 6:19)
  14. 25. sheep, ox, _______ (6:4)
  15. 26. The LORD delivered the children of Israel into the hand of _____ (6:1)
  16. 28. Gideon sent "messengers to Asher, ________, and Naphtali" and they came up to meet him. (6:35)
  17. 30. a ________ of wool on the threshing floor(6:36)