Judges Crossword

  1. 5. Who was the next judge after Abimelek
  2. 6. During judges 18 did israel have a leader?
  3. 9. Who rescued the Israelites when they were attacked?
  4. 14. How many men did Gideon take with him?
  5. 15. Who did Samsom fall in love with?
  6. 16. Who sung a song in judges 5?
  7. 17. Who did Gideon defeat?
  8. 18. How many years did Samson rule?
  9. 19. Who built an altar to the Lord and called it The Lord Is Peace?
  10. 21. What did Samson use to strike down and kill 1,000 men?
  1. 1. Who crowned Abimelek leader?
  2. 2. Who led after Ibzan?
  3. 3. Who left Samson when he cut his hair?
  4. 4. Who saved Israel from the Moab's?
  5. 7. Who did Gideon say would actually rule over them?
  6. 8. Who is the first to fight against the Canaanites?
  7. 10. Who led after Elon?
  8. 11. Who became leader after Gideon died?
  9. 12. Who saved the Israelites from Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram Naharaim?
  10. 13. Did Samson kill more alive or dead?
  11. 20. Who led after Jephthah?