Judicial branch

  1. 2. laws that deal with private disputes such as divorce, property, ownership, and personal injuries
  2. 6. 6th step
  3. 7. court that has general jurisdiction over felony cases, divorce, and land disputes.
  4. 9. 2nd step
  5. 10. Bargaining 5th step
  6. 11. 1st step in the Criminal Justice project
  7. 12. person named as the wrongdoer in a civil or criminal case
  8. 14. what the Judicial branch does with the laws
  9. 15. ___ act a violation of the law that pertains to children
  1. 1. ____ or under, the age of a juvenile
  2. 2. hearing 3rd step
  3. 3. a person who brings a lawsuit against another person
  4. 4. State trial courts exercise limited jurisdiction over ____ criminal cases.
  5. 5. for trial 4th step
  6. 8. ___ act that is considered a crime if commited by an adult.
  7. 13. laws that deal with actions that harm people and society