Judicial Branch Vocabulary

  1. 3. Lawyer for the government in a criminal trial
  2. 4. A fine imposed that if paid, await trial out of jail.
  3. 5. Money paid out in a civil case.
  4. 6. This type of jury issues an indictment.
  5. 8. Power of the Courts to determine if acts of the Government are Constitutional
  6. 11. The person suing defendant in a civil trial.
  7. 13. Issued by a judge. Needed by police to search private property.
  8. 14. This type of jury determines innocence or guilt of a defendant.
  1. 1. Court issued document compelling someone to testify or provide evidence in court.
  2. 2. A formal, written agreement between two parties.
  3. 3. Agreeing to plead guilty to a lesser crime without going to trial.
  4. 7. The accused in a civil or criminal trial.
  5. 9. Refers to the rights and formal processes by which officials must follow during legal proceedings.
  6. 10. Formally charging someone with a crime.
  7. 12. Type of civil law under which one is sued for wrong doing or negligence.