Judicial Branch

  1. 3. Decision on a case that guides decisions on similar cases later
  2. 5. A case where Person is tried for committing federal crime
  3. 8. President asks senators if the choice of judges seems good
  4. 9. Appellate court to review more serious military matter, separate from military establishment
  5. 10. Person who files suit
  6. 14. The power of Congress to declare something unconstitutional
  7. 15. Judges limit the exercise of their power
  8. 16. Court that heard case first
  9. 18. Written statements filed to Congress before oral arguments
  10. 20. State and federal courts share power to hear cases
  11. 21. List of cases to be heard
  12. 22. Transcript of proceedings made in trial court
  1. 1. Military courts, serve disciplinary needs of military not part of federal court system
  2. 2. A case that is non-criminal
  3. 4. Judge makes a point not made in majority opinion
  4. 6. Statement of facts of case, issues it presents, and reasons for final decision
  5. 7. Person who had complaint filed against them
  6. 11. Court hears case on appeal from lower case
  7. 12. Satisfaction of claim, payment
  8. 13. Lower Court is uncertain how to judge the case so it goes to higher court
  9. 17. Federal courts below the Supreme Court
  10. 19. Type of argument that is presented before Congress