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  1. 5. A court case in which a person is accused of breaking a criminal law.
  2. 10. The branch of government that reviews or interprets the laws. They also punish lawbreakers.
  3. 11. when the suspected/convicted person asks that their court case be reviewed/ redone
  4. 14. A formal charging of someone with a crime, or being brought before the court to answer questions about a crime.
  5. 15. A serious crime, such as kidnapping or murder. In Virginia, the most severe class of felony can result in life in prison or a death sentence.
  6. 16. The decision of a grand ju
  7. 17. The government’s side in a criminal case.
  1. 1. The authority of some courts to review decisions made by lower courts.
  2. 2. A court case involving disputes between two parties (individuals, businesses) related to money or property.
  3. 3. a less serious crime, can lead up to $2500 in fines and one year in jail.
  4. 4. The Constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws - especially the rights guaranteed in the 4th - 8th amendments to the Constitution. Protected by the 5th (national) and the 14th (state and local) amendments.
  5. 6. A person accused of a crime in a criminal court case or the person being served in a civil suit.
  6. 7. The basis that police must have in order to make an arrest, perform a search of a person or property, or obtain a warrant.
  7. 8. The power of the U.S. Supreme Court to determine if law or presidential action follows the Constitution. This is when the judicial branch interprets the laws.
  8. 9. The authority to interpret and administer the law. Jurisdiction determines which type of court you attend and where it is located.
  9. 12. The person or company filing the complaint in a civil lawsuit.
  10. 13. An authorization by a court for police to make an arrest.