Judicial System Vocabulary

  1. 3. Lawyer who defends the accused person in a trial.
  2. 5. Another name for a lawyer.
  3. 7. Something that gives a sign or proof of something.
  4. 11. Evidence that a witness gives to the court of law.
  5. 12. To examine for the purpose of discrediting the witness’ testimony.
  6. 14. A formal accusation initiating a criminal case.
  7. 15. Agreement between a prosecutor and a defendant that the defendant will plead guilty for a lesser offense to avoiding having to stand trial for a more serious offense.
  8. 16. Jury to examine grounds for trial.
  9. 17. Somebody who initiates a legal prosecution.
  10. 20. A form of authorization.
  1. 1. To spend until a later stated time.
  2. 2. The reason for doing something or behaving in a specific way.
  3. 4. a writ issued to bring a party before a court to prevent unlawful restraint.
  4. 6. In a criminal action, the person or party accused of an offense.
  5. 8. A law that defines crimes against the public order.
  6. 9. The responsibility of proving a case or argument, especially in a court of law.
  7. 10. The finding or answer of a jury given to the court concerning a matter submitted to their judgement.
  8. 13. Not partial or biased.
  9. 18. Isolate from outside influences during a trial.
  10. 19. People deciding a legal case.
  11. 20. Someone who gives evidence after seeing or hearing something.