Judicial Terms

  1. 2. A verdict that a criminal is not guilty,
  2. 4. Latin term for legal precedence
  3. 6. Supreme Court
  4. 7. System of government where the same territory is controlled by two levels.
  5. 8. Person who brings action in court of law
  6. 10. Law with rights and duties between individuals
  7. 11. People who bring cases to court
  8. 12. Ideology focused on citizenship in a republic.
  9. 15. The Calendar of a court
  10. 17. Branch that contains the SCOTUS
  11. 18. 15 members of that advise the president.
  12. 19. Branch that contains two houses
  1. 1. An area of authority or control
  2. 3. Person or party accused of an offence
  3. 5. Court case involving judicial review
  4. 6. Executive Branch
  5. 9. Involving the constitution
  6. 13. Branch that is headed by the president.
  7. 14. Legislative Branch
  8. 16. Type of law that involves a punishment