Judicial Vocab

  1. 4. To apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision in the lower court
  2. 5. A decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case
  3. 7. A person under 18
  4. 8. A branch of law that deals with disputes between individuals
  5. 11. A major/violent crime
  6. 12. The power to hear a court case for the 1st time.Appellate Jurisdiction
  7. 13. The power to review a court case that was decided in a lower court
  8. 14. A person accused of something in a court of law
  1. 1. Courts that deal with specific types of cases
  2. 2. The highest and most powerful court in the United States
  3. 3. A person who brings a case against another
  4. 6. A branch of law that maintains law and order
  5. 9. A process the Supreme Court uses to decide if laws or actions are Constitutional
  6. 10. A minor crime