Judicial Vocabulary

  1. 4. The power of the Supreme Court to find laws or presidential actions unconstitutional
  2. 10. Event before a criminal trial, when the judge reviews probable cause, checks for legal representation, and a plea is entered
  3. 12. A reason that is good enough to justify arresting a person, or searching personal property
  4. 16. This result in a criminal trial means that the defendant has been found not guilty
  5. 18. This term refers to when the Supreme Court looks at previous decisions to help it reach a decision in a current case
  6. 19. Amendment that protects a person against self incrimination and double jeopardy; promises due process from the federal government
  7. 20. Amendment that protects against unreasonable search and seizure
  8. 22. This is the less severe category of offense and carries a sentence of less than a year in prison and/or fines less than $2500
  9. 25. Amendment which guarantees the right to hear the charges against you, and the rights to legal representation and a speedy public trial by an impartial jury
  10. 27. In a criminal trial, the ___ works on behalf of the government to bring charges against the defendant and prove their guilt
  1. 1. An amount set by a judge that must be paid by the accused as a guarantee that they will not go on the run before their trial
  2. 2. The person or group that has a lawsuit or charges brought against them
  3. 3. The decision returned by the jury in a criminal trial, whether guilty or not guilty
  4. 5. This type of trial is the result of a law having been broken; the burden of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt"
  5. 6. Asking a higher court to review your case; this right belongs to defendants convicted in a criminal case and to both parties in a civil case
  6. 7. This is the more severe category of offense and carries a minimum sentence of two years in prison and heavy fines
  7. 8. An agreement between the prosecution and the defense; the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge and avoid the risk of going to trial
  8. 9. The ___ Amendment, which guarantees that states may not deprive a person of life, liberty or property without following due process
  9. 11. The consequence that a defendant receives if found guilty in a criminal trial
  10. 13. This type of trial is the result of a dispute between two parties; the burden of proof is a "preponderance of the evidence"
  11. 14. Considering all evidence and testimony heard in a trial in order to reach a decision
  12. 15. Promise that the government may not deprive a person of their life, liberty, or property without first following the proper established procedures
  13. 17. A statement of guilty or not guilty, typically offered during arraignment
  14. 18. In a civil trial, the ___ brings a complaint or lawsuit against another party
  15. 21. The group of citizens that listens to evidence and testimony presented in a case, then deliberates, and reaches a decision or verdict
  16. 23. Amendment which protects against cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail
  17. 24. An individual who swears an oath and offers testimony in a court case
  18. 26. When a witness sworn to tell the truth, but offers untrue testimony on the witness stand