Julia, Maja, Oliwia

  1. 2. someone who breaks into houses
  2. 4. a risky game when you can either get rick or loose everything you have
  3. 10. someone who got attack/robbed
  4. 12. sometimes teenage boys do that to girls they like
  5. 13. someone who does illegal stuff (robs a store or kill somebody)
  6. 14. sometimes school kick someone out for being bad person
  7. 15. someone who stoles from the stores
  1. 1. when you get charge something that you didn't do
  2. 3. that feeling when you lie or do something illegal
  3. 5. something that someone has to do while living in the country
  4. 6. someone who vandalise
  5. 7. you see a person that you know
  6. 8. someone that moved away from s country that they were born in
  7. 9. you can attack somebody with it
  8. 11. leader of the criminal group/gang/attack