July Merivale Crossword
- 4. The most powerful entity in the Marvel universe
- 6. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and this superhero gained their powers from the same origin
- 11. The only character to be both a member of the Avengers and the Justice League
- 13. Deadpool once competed with this character in a love triangle and lost
- 14. The original publisher of Marvel Comics
- 1. This character once teamed up with famous rapper Eminem
- 2. The Hulks real first name
- 3. Black Widows least favourite food
- 5. Mystique's previous alter-ego from the UK
- 7. This Marvel character went to highschool with Peter Parker and had a crush on him
- 8. Michael Jackson once tried to purchase Marvel so he could star as this superhero
- 9. Darth Vader was inspired by this Marvel Villain
- 10. The most powerful mutant detected by Cerebro
- 12. S.H.I.E.L.D. began its operations here
- 15. Marvel produced this genre of comics from 1945-1965