June Safety Month - All weeks

  1. 2. When moving your extension ladder find the center of
  2. 3. Before lifting or performing any intense physical tasks
  3. 7. Basic worker rights - P
  4. 8. Before using your ladder or tools
  5. 10. Points of contact
  6. 13. Core Value - Do the Right thing
  7. 16. Hierarchy of controls - most effective control (Top)
  8. 17. Core Value - Prioritize
  9. 18. Hierarchy of controls - least effective control (Bottom)
  1. 1. Caught in/Between, Dropped objects, struck by are ____ incidents(3 words)
  2. 4. Safety document before driving vehicle
  3. 5. Core Value - Be the ____
  4. 6. Core Value - Find a ______ way
  5. 9. Becoming so secure in their duties
  6. 11. Core Value - We solve tough problems
  7. 12. Lift with your ___, not the back
  8. 14. Injury to a ligament
  9. 15. Safety document before work to document and control hazards
  10. 17. Core Value - _______each other