Jurors Glossary

  1. 3. / making intentionally false statements under oath, this is criminal offense
  2. 5. / a crime of graver nature then a misdemeanor
  3. 9. of Proof / measure of proof required to prove facts at issue in the trial of a case
  4. 10. / person who testifies under oath before a court or in a deposition regarding what was seen, heard or otherwise observed
  5. 11. / compensations recovered in the courts by a person who has suffered loss
  6. 14. / 1)find person guilty of charge 2)one found guilty of a crime or misdemeanor, usually referred to convicted felons or prisoners in penitentiaries
  7. 16. / a judge's private office
  8. 19. Challenge / procedure which parties in an action man use to reject prospective jurors without giving a reason. each side is allowed a limited number of such challenges
  9. 20. / 1)formal written charge that a person has committed a criminal offense 2)initial document entered by the plaintiff which states the claim against the defendant
  10. 23. / sworn testimony taken and recorded in an authorized place outside of the courtroom according to the rules of the court
  11. 25. and Seizure, Unreasonable / in general, an examination without authority of law of one's premises or person for the purpose of guilt to be use in prosecuting a crime
  12. 28. / formal decision made by the trier of facts
  13. 30. Argument / the closing statement, bu counsel, to the trier of facts after all parties have concluded their presentation of evidence
  14. 31. / oral or written request made by a party to an action before, during or after a trial upon which a court issues a ruling or order
  15. 32. / the official record of proceedings in a trial or hearing, which is kept by the clerk
  16. 33. of Evidence / the general standard of proof in civil cases. the weight presented by one side is more convincing to the trier of facts that the vidence presented by the opposing isde
  17. 34. / a court employee who among other things, maintains order in the courtroom and is responsible for custody of the jury
  18. 36. of a Witness / an attack on the credibility of a witness by the testimony of other witnesses
  19. 39. Misdemeanor / a criminal offense for which an adult could be sent to jail for up to one year, pay a fine up to $1000, or both
  20. 41. / contest in court, a lawsuit
  21. 42. / criminal offense less than felonies: generally those punishable by fine or imprisonment of less than 90 days in a local facility
  22. 44. / a formal answer to a complaint in which the defendant admits or denies what is said in the complaint
  23. 47. / a formal objection by one of the lawyers to something said or done by the judge, such as refusing to allow a question to be asked
  24. 48. / the public officer in each county who is a lawyer and hwo represents the interests of the state in criminal trials and the county in all legal matters involving the county. Prosecutor has the reponsibility of deciding who and when to prosecute in a criminal case
  25. 49. / the presentation of evidence in a court to a trier, of facts who apply the applicable law to those facts and then decide the case
  26. 50. / an accusation for some criminal offense
  27. 52. / to find a defendant not guilty in a criminal trial
  28. 54. Attorney / attorney who represents the defendant
  29. 55. the Jury / a practice whereby jurors are asked individually wether they agreed, and still agree with the verdict
  30. 56. Examination / follows cross-examination and is carried out by the party who produced and first examined the witness
  31. 57. of Facts / the jury or , in a non-jury, the judge
  32. 58. / any proceeding, action, lawsuit, or controversy
  33. 60. of Action / a legal claim
  34. 61. / formal written allegations by the parties of their respective claims
  35. 64. Cause / reasonale cause: having more evidence for than against: a reasonalbe beleif that a crime has or is being committed
  36. 65. / an inquiry or wrong committed, with or without force, to the person or property of another, which gives raise a claim for damages
  1. 1. / member of a jury
  2. 2. / persons, corporations, or associations who have commenced a lawsuit or who are defendants
  3. 4. / evidence based on what the witness has heard someone else say rather than what the witness has personally experienced or observed
  4. 6. Evidence / testimony given by those qualifies to speak with authority regarding scientific, technical, or professional matters
  5. 7. / any form of proof legally presented at a trial through witnesses
  6. 8. / the title of heading of a paper filed in a court showing the names of the parties, court, and number of case, etc.
  7. 12. / a written of printed declaration of statement under oath
  8. 13. / proceeding taken in a court of law:synonymous with suitcase, suit, lawsuit
  9. 14. for Cause / a request by a party that the court excuses a specific juror on the bases that the juror blased
  10. 15. / one who is engaged in a lawsuit
  11. 17. / 1)conclusion of a legal matter 2) compromise agreeement by opposing parties n civil suit before judgement is made, eliminating the need for the judge to resolve the controversy
  12. 18. / (1 act of pursuing a lawsuit or criminal trial (2 the state of washington, the party that initiates a criminal case
  13. 21. / the party who begins an action: party who complains or sues in an action and is named as such in the courts records, Petitioner
  14. 22. of Record / an attorney, named in the records of the case, who is responsible for handling the case on behalf of the party he represents
  15. 24. / claim presented by a defendant in opposition to or deduction from the claim of the plaintiff
  16. 26. the Case / when a party concludes his presentation of evidence
  17. 27. doubt / an accused person is entitled to acquittal if, in the minds of the jury, his guilt has not been proven beyond "reasonable doubt" :the state of the minds of jurors in which they cannot say they feel an abiding conviction as to the truth of the charge
  18. 29. / one who makes a "complaint," Same as plaintiff
  19. 35. Question / one, which suggests to a witness the answer desired. Prohibited on direct examination
  20. 36. / direction given by a judge to the jury regarding the applicable law in the given case
  21. 37. / a defendant's official statement of "guilt" of "not guilty" to the charges made against him
  22. 38. Dire / questioning of a potential witness
  23. 40. / pleading by the plaintiff in response to the defendant's written answer
  24. 43. of Court / an officer of the court whose principal duty is to maintain court records and preserve evidence presented during a trial
  25. 45. / the introduction of contradicting or opposing evidence: showing that what witness said occured is not true: that stage of a trial at which such evidence may be introduced
  26. 46. / any statement made by a witness under oath in a legal proceeding
  27. 51. / statement by an attorney taking exception to testimony or the attempt admission of evidence and opposing its consideration as evidence
  28. 53. Reporter / person who by which a lawyer questions a witness called to testify by the other side in the case
  29. 54. Examination / process by which a lawyer questions a witness called to testify by his side in the case
  30. 59. / specific number of people (6-12) selected as prescribed by law to render a decision (verdict) in a trial
  31. 62. / paper, document or other physical object received by the court as evidence during a trial or hearing
  32. 63. / any court proceeding in which an individual seeks a decision