Just for Fun

  1. 4. F13
  2. 5. Global workforce
  3. 6. Partners who receive, prep, and send
  4. 11. HIPPA
  5. 12. Measurement of success
  6. 14. Unwanted suspended resolution
  7. 17. Billing/Claim identifier
  8. 18. Scanning system
  1. 1. Common respiratory disease
  2. 2. Relating to others
  3. 3. Apria_______Guide
  4. 7. Where is non KFP follow-up team
  5. 8. Type of coding used to identify action
  6. 9. Phone software application
  7. 10. May be referred to as ACIS prescription
  8. 13. another name for our overall group
  9. 14. Company information system
  10. 15. Cooperative effort; Collaborate
  11. 16. Our fearless leader