JV's MOPII Puzzle

  1. 2. health record that patient keeps but is not admissible in court
  2. 3. multiple users may use electronic ___ to make patient's appointments
  3. 5. primary reason most providers give for not implementing electronic records in their offices
  4. 8. __of action including treatment options, medications, etc.
  5. 9. when a new patient makes an appointment with the office, certain basic __ information is required.
  6. 11. data from the physician, exam or test results
  7. 12. process of recording info in med record
  8. 13. physician must be able to trust the ___of the information in the medical records
  9. 14. protection and security act that protects the confidentiality of patient records, etc.
  10. 15. one of the 6 C's that means "brief and to the point"
  11. 16. patients primary problem
  12. 21. records created, compiled and managed by providers//staff located within a single healthcare organization
  13. 23. one of the 6 C's using precise descriptions and accepted medical terminology describing patient's condition.
  1. 1. transforming spoken notes into accurate written form
  2. 4. data from the patient or what the patient describes
  3. 6. staff requirement disadvantage for EHR programs
  4. 7. patient information arranged within chart or medical record according to who supplied data
  5. 10. form that contains the patient's past medical history
  6. 15. format of medical records documentation broken down into smaller components
  7. 16. __form signed by patient before procedure is performed
  8. 17. records utilized by members of more than one healthcare organization
  9. 18. patient information arranged within chart of medical record including problem list, diagnostic & treatment plan
  10. 19. diagnosis or impression of patient's problem
  11. 20. files that can alert and remind staff members about patients
  12. 22. format using an orderly series of steps for dealing with any medical case.