kamb Ninjago bc lloyd

  1. 6. season 1
  2. 8. Gets reckt in all of 2 seconds
  3. 10. Black ninja
  4. 11. Red ninja's element
  5. 15. master of wind
  6. 17. master of destruction
  7. 19. Blue ninja
  8. 24. REVENGE!!!!!!!!!
  9. 25. season 13
  10. 26. white ninja
  11. 27. queen of the ivory city
  12. 28. kalamari
  13. 29. "mY cRy FiLls tHe nIgHt"
  14. 32. No you blade stealer
  15. 34. Master of brown power
  16. 36. tries to kill green ninja alot-
  18. 41. season 3
  19. 42. unfinished adventure game 1
  20. 43. has crazy evil skull
  21. 45. refuses to die
  22. 46. Samuri X
  23. 47. season 5
  24. 50. season 15
  25. 51. White ninja's element
  26. 53. "ZaNe tHE pAiN"
  27. 56. master of creation
  28. 57. Has a very tall tower named after him
  29. 58. thought to be dead 4 times and causes a certain someone to unleash the wraith of his full potential
  30. 59. master of amber
  31. 60. Has been painting the same boat since long before time had a name
  32. 61. season 2
  33. 62. season 4
  1. 1. season 11
  2. 2. Green ninja's element
  3. 3. season 9
  4. 4. season 6
  5. 5. season 8
  6. 7. Flying ship????
  7. 9. Blue ninja's element
  8. 12. committed elemental power theft on a certain set of twins
  9. 13. season 16
  10. 14. season 10
  11. 16. season 14
  12. 18. still cant talk but better
  14. 21. cant talk
  15. 22. season 7
  16. 23. red ninja
  17. 30. season 12
  18. 31. Grey/light blue ninja's element
  19. 33. "we live and die by these chains"
  20. 35. black ninja's element
  21. 38. Adventurer
  22. 39. Grey/light blue ninja
  23. 40. Kruz and aronix
  24. 44. green ninja
  25. 48. do the spinney spin
  26. 49. can shapeshift
  27. 52. first purple now white, first big, then small, then big again
  28. 54. Blade stealer
  29. 55. may she sleep for another 1000 years