Kansas History - Chapter 5 Review

  1. 3. someone who does not believe in war or violence
  2. 6. a person who lives on land that they do not own
  3. 8. a person who moves from one country and comes to another
  4. 10. an invention that kept cattle off of farmer's land
  5. 11. January 29th, 1861
  6. 12. Mr. Hillman's favorite movie series
  7. 15. moving cattle from Texas to Kansas Railroads
  8. 16. a very skilled public speaker or storyteller
  9. 18. kansas settlers would make their homes out of this if wood was not available
  10. 19. workers that drove cattle
  11. 20. second wave of African Americans migrating to Kansas
  1. 1. extreme lack of food
  2. 2. name of a song detailing hardships settlers faced in Kansas
  3. 4. separating the grain from a plant
  4. 5. gave settlers up to 160 acres of land for a $10 fee
  5. 7. most Kansas ancestors originally came from this continent
  6. 9. introducing machines or new technology to make a job easier
  7. 13. made travel quicker, safer, and more efficient
  8. 14. town in Western Kansas that became a cultural settlement for African American culture
  9. 17. name of "disease" that Texas cattle gave to Kansas cattle