  1. 4. Mid-diastolic murmur heard in complete heart block
  2. 6. Stain used for studying amyloidosis
  3. 8. 5th generation cephalosporin with anti-MRSA activity
  4. 11. Finger agnosia, Agraphia, Acalculia, and right-left disorientation
  5. 13. Trial in patients with T2 Diabetes mellitus which showed intensive glycemic control increased mortality compared to standard control
  6. 14. Left supraclavicular adenopathy
  7. 15. Formula for measuring eGFR in children
  1. 1. Referral criteria for ECMO in ARDS
  2. 2. Method of eliciting plantar reflex
  3. 3. Inspiratory retraction of the lower intercostal spaces that occurs with obstructive airway disease
  4. 5. Focal oligemia in pulmonary embolism
  5. 7. Immune thrombocytopenia + Coombs positive hemolytic anemia
  6. 9. New drug approved for treatment of thyroid eye disease
  7. 10. Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor for CLL
  8. 12. Scale to measure sleepiness in sleep disorders